
Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Ronald Holmes---History of Enterpise Architecture Strategy and Vision  

2003, being selected CoChair for the Industry Advisory Committee for Federal Enterprise Architecture to advise OMB’s CIO Council was an honor. OMB is the President’s management team. The CIO Council represents the IT folk across the entire gov.

What I found was a macrocosm embodying the Enterprise Architecture confusion which exists in most organizations. An IT (info age) mindset dominated EA. Agencies selected 24 eGov, backburner initiatives for EA modeling (same thing corporations did to CRM in late 90’s and are still doing). They overlaid this with 5 reference models (of course data was first) and centered unwieldy efforts around 6 illbegotten, “business prpcesses”.

The GAO (Congress Management), Homeland S. Dept and the DoD reacted with an uncharacteristic lack of decorum------“no good to us”

I sculpted a national EA strategy (on this blog is my proposal entitled, “Federal Enterprise Architecture National Strategy”). It pretty much went unheeded, so I let them go their way.

Shortly thereafter time the OMB Director, the eGov Director and the entire CIO Council have found more fruitful endeavors. The IAC is pursuing EA and “Open View Processes”. When money and security are at stake, America usually gets it right.

2003 Feb, Thought Siebel stock would be EA winner---up 90% as of today.

President, KnowNet Consultancy, I’nl
Strategic Enterprise Architecture Consultant (1998-present)

1) According to the DoD Authored “Nation’s Foremost Comprehensive Plan for
Homeland Security” DoD, 6/02) Maryland, AFCEA, Congress
2) Author, national speaker, “Homeland Security Business Case” 2/03
3) Developed-wrote “Maryland Homeland Security Strategy: Business-Education
Infrastructure for The 21st Century” 1/03
4) Solely responsible “Homeland Security - National Capitol Region Model”, 6/02
5) Authored “KM Reference Model” 11/01 with-AEA, DOD, Brookings, Hopkins,
6) Proposed and wrote “Governor’s Virtual Roundtable of Industry, Government
Education Collaboration” 1/01
7) Drafted Baltimore City Homeland Security strategy 2/03
8) Johns Hopkins University’s SCANS 2000 Center (2/00 - 3/01)
A. Developed eLearning architecture marketing strategy
B. Strategic consultant US Navy $600 million eLearning contract
C. Championed “Self-directed Work Team” as enterprise core module
D. Advised ThinQ to work with Johns Hopkins
9) “Enterprise Architecture Authority” status with intelligence folk
A. Enterprise Architecture design and analysis
B. Reviewed Brookings Institute policy Unseen Wealth
C. Reviewed “Senate Report to President: Crisis in Human Capital”
10) Responsible for Governor funding the “Maryland Technology Initiative”

1988-present, education redesign- advised that knowledge sharing motifs (teams and communities) coupled with visual simulation (edutainment) will improve learning in quantum leaps.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology corroborates up to 15 derivations of improvement using visual simulation. The nation’s leading R&D org (DoD) is moving strongly toward video game training. A system I developed proposes learning matriculation as language---rules-----concepts----ideas.

1998, recognized SCANS (nation’s largest civilian-gov project ever-$500 million) as the backbone workforce skills for my Knowledge Empire

1997, envisioned / designed enterprise architecture with telemedicine as key component

1997 recognized ed the way to help redirect education was through workforce dev.

1996, attended DoD’s 1st Advanced Distributed Learning meeting on training for emergency personnel in 100 cities. Wrote paper for real time response vs. their CD ROMS strategy.

1995-96, authored The Knowledge Empire (Duncan & Duncan, 96) which defined the dynamics and fundamentals of today’s enterprise architecture-Knowledge Environment.

1994, designed GRC (now AT&T) market strategy for fiber optic management-now employed by Touchpoint in Homeland Security.

1992, forecast Internet dominance. Authored manuscript, “The Coming Network Society” with Best-Selling author Dan Burris who went on tour with IBM in 1998 using my ideas and research.

1992, presented at 2nd “National “Distance Learning Conf” a new field of eLearning was emerging.

1992, authored “Redesigning The Future” (Southern Future Society, 2/92) predicting eLearning, eGov, eCommerce, and eBus.

1991 worked with Alltel on carrier transmission sales and proposals for datacom-telecom

1988, As Vice President US Sales and Marketing for Canada’s In’l standards consultancy to ISO, CCITT, NATO, Britain. Designed and executed national market and education strategy for open systems, GOSIP.

1988, wrote article “Power of Telecommunications: Dawn of An Epoch”. Forecasted eBusiness , eGov.and need for and prediction of dramatic changes in education.

1986-87, consulted for US West and Verizon on DOE and GIS proposals.

1986, saw the ISO-CCITT-ANSI 4 year standard creation cycle as too slow. This in’l benchmark was replaced by user groups.

1985, attempted to negotiate for world’s first Smart Card (Sam Lessons, France).

1985, worked at NASA on wireless-satellite communications,

1985, Brought voice messaging to Baltimore businesses.

1984, researched and wrote the book “Federal Telecommunications System 2000 Operations Structure, got AT&T and Sprint to share the project.

1983, foresaw the first shipment of 25,000 home PC’s by IBM as breakthrough.

1983, advised GSC Hospital Group that LANS were a necessity—only 2 in MD

1983, introduced fiber optics to Control Cable, attended first “FOSE” in Atlantic City

1982, attended first Electronic Industry Association meeting on open system architecture.

1981, introduced Northern Telecom to Baltimore. Loved their annual report title, “The Digital Universe”

1977-1980 foresaw corporations as the controlling world power. Spent 4 years developing Executive Only marketing skills.

1976, foresaw benefits as workforce necessities, Marsh McClenan and A&A were the only major, full service brokers at that time.

1976 published article in the Sunpaper, “Social Security: A Crisis 21st Century Problem”. The article warns that 2010 will see Baby Boomer benefits as an economic tax waterloo.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Enterprise Architecture (EA) Design 

A Foundation for Success Ronald Holmes©, 1/09

Virtually unnoticed, perhaps one of the most significant breakthroughs in EA blossomed this week---UPS (United Parcel Service) advertised "The Advantages of UPS Supply Chain Software" on television. The implications for business and marketing intelligence creativity using matrixed processes are staggering. FEDEX's purchase of Kinkos offers another strategy employing KE connectivity.

This strategic paper explores O-O as an EA backbone. In particular, I looked at a leading OBJECT purveyor's white paper entitled, "Management Dashboards Enabling Performance Management Across The Enterprise". The Contents Table spoke to EA quality improvement. Organizational needs emphasized a strategy of alignment, visibility and collaboration. Business user needs were outlined as: "Intuitive, Personalized and Powerful Interactive Insight".

The paper was well written had all the right jargon; however, as Brookings warning on KE policy misdirection told us, it's IT Department placement would be bereft of architecture. For instance, dashboards would deliver a lowcost strategy of the above to congeal or make whole, "massive IT investments in ERP and CRM". Only an EA strategy (CEO led) could accomplish this as well as position a company advantageously in the KE and globally.

One CRM example used highlighted this business conundrum. CRM (call center) folk were shone that when their call criteria went from "number handled per hour" to "calls handlled in one connection per hour" productivity increased as did job satisfaction. These FRONT LINE business emissaries should have a congruous enterprise vision supported by EA process interaction.

Enterprise architecture (EA) has plunged into organizational mainstream dominance. EA pervades Department of Defense planning from Transformation Office to Acquisitions & Logistics and throughout the services. All major, civilian government, IT purchases require EA. EA is advertised on television as the core of future business success.

EA sounds the death knell of the information age and rings in an exponentially more robust Knowledge Environment. The IT superhighway is a support tool for organizing the infinite, peer conversations of the global, people-defined enterprise.

In a few short years intangible assets have displaced capital assets on the accounting balance sheet. The Chief Human Capital Officer has risen to the boardroom just like the CIO did in the 1980Â’s. The role of Human Resources should expand to integrate the learning organization, performance management and EA. War itself has mutated to become 90% intelligence.

The info age-Knowledge Environment schism daunts the very horizons of history. The paradigms are abrupt and (too?) polar. A Brookings Institute Task Force's warnings are still unheeded, “We lack infrastructure for the New Economy. We don't have a business model, measurements or even a clear vocabulary…long term economic and policy misdirection may result. (UNSEEN WEALTH 10/00, ronaldholmes.blogspot.com)

This paper proffers direction and insight into EA matriculation. The enterprise is defined as all organizational interactions and conceivable opportunities. Architecture is the behaviors, systems and processes enabling the enterprise. The common kernel resident in these EA components is skills or core competencies.

First, we look at O-O programming as a theater for EA design. Next we look at skill objects and a precocious EA design corporation called SkillsNET. Finally, we review works by an O-O design purveyor and a consultant of international repute. We find that the quoted warnings from the Brookings Institute (on what has become EA) are as perilous as forecast.

Object Oriented Programming

EA could be defined as people architecture. EA is about optimizing knowledge transfer and knowledge building throughout the enterprise. The vehicular end game is real time, horizontal processes. The Department of Defense terms this, horizontal fusion, power to the edge. (AFCEA, Transformation Office, 5/03) Imagine diluting the chain of command and transferring decisions to the everyday soldier. EA is truly revolutionary!

Bill Gates predicted that, the rate of techno-change will increase six fold during the next decade.” (World Economic Summit, 2/00) To address the EA-KE phenomena, futurist Dan Burris recommends, don;t look back at starting point A; but, design change with a fixed vision on the distant priority of point B. (Technochange, 1992)

Professor and author, Matt Weisfeld, recommends O-O use for, new developments unencumbered by legacy systems. Web technologies are O-O in nature. This new arena favors O-O ability to wrap legacy systems. The primary goal of O-O is to model how people think. (O-O Thought Process, 2000)

Professor Adrian O'Neill lends more credence to enterprise wide O-O design, Objects, which are the central O-O concept, simulate states and activities of real world objects. O-O techniques allow flexibility for large projects (enterprise). They are modular enabling different programs and teams to work on varying objects. (Web Tutorial, 12/03)

Technically O-O achieves the goal of every programmer---code reuse. Unlike procedural programming, where data is decoupled making it uncontrolled, data and behavior are resident (encapsulated) in each object. Systemic design employing classes, superclasses, inheritance, polymorphism, and composition allows rigorous cost control in testing and debugging as well as change management of the EA.

EA---A Skills Blueprint (SkillsNET)

The logistical workflow design of EA may be seen as: tasks, skills / core competencies, projects, teams, processes, and matrixed processes, with communities being given the special status of “overarching component”. Skills are the resident and tractable kernel in all of the aforementioned workflow components

EA may also be defined as consisting of behaviors, systems and processes. The KE “People Defined EA” and self-directed work teams usher in important new skills such as: managing resources, technology, and processes; while understanding and contributing to a comprehensive enterprise vision. This architecture includes lifelong learning, portals, CRM, CLMS, GRIDs, as well as constant horizontal process awareness and reiteration. Soft interpersonal skills are becoming requisite, monitored and rewarded.

This is the organizational paradigm for the foreseeable future. Each of us wants to better ourselves and be rewarded. Even more intriguing is the potential for real involvement. Studies have shone that team paradigms create high energy, excitement and personal fulfillment----like The West Wing?

Where are we? Besides the DoD, we “lack KE infrastructure” ase Brookings predicted in 2000. The Director of Accenture’s KM and Performance Practice, William Ives says, “ We rarely see, in the most progressive situation, an integrated approach to knowledge and skills management that coordinates knowledge building and distribution with individual learning.” (Intel Enterprise, 12/03) Where does EA begin?

Fortunately, SkillsNET Corporation of Waxahachie Texas has started at the root beginning of EA design and matriculation. They employ the key, fundamental maxim of O-O design. They identify the audience, analyze the situation, and involve the end user throughout the design process.

SkillsNET works with the “Star Performer” to capture his or her work flow process and developing learning, skill and business objects related thereto. Simply recording said processes to capture intellectual property for the organization’s composite memory is vital. The structural implications for EA evolvement, performance management, and talent retention are currently unmatched.

The “Star Performer” process is a beginning point for EA. Just defining a single process may be a fete of unrecognized magnitude leading to visionary inquiry. Process stress points can be identified; as can interfaces with other teams, processes and communities, all on a local and global scale. Eventually as the KE culture is ignited an ROI wildfire could ensue.

SkillsNET is focused on basics and cost effectiveness. They have a virtual, all-client available, skills inventory pertaining to over 178,000 jobs. They offer career paths, job specific on-line interview capacity, workforce capacity predictors, curriculum development (organization or individually), job scenario interview capability, and job family task analysis. SkillsNET is a central skills authority for the Navy and much of the Department of Defense.

Performance management is the “hot” area of corporate attention. EA supports the growing, critical force in PM, which is human capital. Self directed work teams speak to new forms of PM like agility, creativity, endless collaboration, and process management. PM will have new learning motifs; perhaps learning objects, meta data, and content governed by a global, 24/7, abstraction layer coordinated with curricula and workflow. Clearly skills and star performer emulation are solid building blocks.

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