
Sunday, November 30, 2003

EA Business Case 


Welcome to ET ----June 16, 2003

Welcome new IAC ET Subcommittee TEAM members and reenergized current members.. Our task is to support the CIO Council’s Architecture and Infrastructure Committee’s ET Subcommittee. We are the “organizational organization”; the gateway to twixt the entire federal gov and the private sector; inclusive of state, local and tribal govs.

Someone asked a very poignant question, “Why should I allocate my time to ET?” In 1992 MIT’s Dr. Bartlett excitedly wrote a visionary book, SOCIOMEDIA. The good Dr. made a succinct, statement, one which captured the knowledge wealth explosion before us, “…endless peer conversations.” With your help, we can be the architectural catalyst for providing benefits and substance from those endless people-brain-knowledge patterns.

You are on the groundfloor of knowledge environment chaos. Total change begets total opportunity. Tenthousand years of civilizational structuring may be equaled in five. Ex. WAR HAS MUTATED.

Friday, the AIC-IAC ET’s met. John Dodd and Davis Roberts, part of our strong, energetic, overall support group attended. My esteemed CoChaur, Suparno , rendered a overview of how we support AIC’s ET. GWU’s Tony Stanco summarized the SBIR venture capital infrastructure as follows:------------------------------------This is the funding venue for new technologies.

Dr. brand Niemann went over the status of the 8 emerging technologies which were summarized last weeks White House Conf Center. These were XML synergistic and knowledge environment supportive. Susan Turnbull, best described as committee clearinghouse whirlwind, laid out structures and dates for all the various groups we will have the opportunity to interface with. She also shared an invite to Tuesday’s NATIONAL eMed conference she’s organized. This directly correlated to one of our group’s focal strategies--------eMed and HHS as a wirking model for architectural collaboration, inter-gov-org-domain process recognition and design, germinating communities……………and much more.

My own feeling is that as an ET team member, you will gain insight gotten nowhere else. To begin our sharing, kindly review the attached docs (which were presented at the meet) to see how you may enjoy-partake developing a common vision……

Thanks so much for offering---you are talented folk….rc

This draft is significant in that as of November 1st, 2003, the President’s eGov management team (OMB – Office of Management and Budget- the Secretary imcl.) as well as the CIO Council had been replaced. I had resigned as Co-Chair of the Emerging Technologies SubC in July due to my perception of disorientation; a serious threat to building economic infrastructure; and a blind eye toward EA’s pivotal role in Homeland Security. On Dec. 1, 2003 the IAC (FEA-Industry Advisory Council) is using my ideas.


Position Paper (draft whitepaper) RC Holmes ©, June 27, 2003

According to the AIC Emerging Technologies Sub-Committee Charter and 2003 Work Plan, said committee is charged with, “providing policy direction and guidance for the FEA and the CIO Council.” This paper supports IAC’s obligation thereto.

Currently, the FEA is a microcosm of the structural clash between a dying Information Age and an emerging Knowledge Environment (KE). IT is infrastructure which supports the promise of KE (people and processes) architecture. FEA’s IT focused approach has resulted in fragmentation of purpose, funding, project momentum, inter-agency support, private sector buy-in, and executive leadership vision.

Three critical perspectives need to be considered by the FEA:

1) We are a nation at war
2) EA systemic design is based on behaviors, systems and processes (KE)
3) Economics and national security require a “National Enterprise Vision”.

A two-year Brookings Task Force study, “Unseen Wealth” sternly warns that transitioning to a New Economy (Knowledge Environment) may result in “serious long-term economic and policy misdirection for business and government.” The august Task Force continues, “We lack management, skills, measurements, and even a clear, concise vocabulary to address this New Economy.”

KE transitioning is not evolutionary but revolutionary. As Vice Admiral Koetnzini, “said, “The cultural resistance is phenomenal.” (Transformation, 5/03) He was alluding to the $6 billion dollar Navy Marine Corps Intranet.” The Navy took an IT approach to deconfliction (inter-service collaboration). They would simply make one big network creating one big family. Failure erupted.

People have to think “enterprise architecture”. They must see themselves as a part of self-directed work teams, collaborative processes, interorganizational communities, unlimited knowledge transfer, real time service delivery, human capital development strategies, best practices, etc. Without people orientation and buy-in, the FEA will be a big rudderless sky balloon.

Ms. Joiwind Ronen, RC Holmes
Executive Director President
FGIPC and IAC KnowNet Consultancy, In’l.
11350 Random Hills Road 21 Lomond Court
Suite 120 Baltimore, MD 21237
Fairfax, Virginia, 22030 July 8, 2003

Dear Ms. Ronen:

Congratulations on your new position as Executive Director of FGIPC and IAC. Hopefully you will find this letter both supportive and helpful.

The IAC Emerging Technologies Sub-committee is a gateway betwixt the FEA, Homeland Security, the DoD, state-local government and the entire private sector. FEA matriculation is critical to safeguarding the homeland and to 21st century economic development. I volunteered as ET CoChair to help build a national enterprise vision.

AT&T VP, Robert Allenby, synopsized the IAC challenge on WHUT yesterday evening, “Those societies which understand and institutionalize knowledge economy paradigms will be the economic victors of the early 21st century.” Let me share how I see IAC progressing in this regard.

Enterprise architecture has three core elements: behaviors, systems and processes. IAC’s ET SubC is focused on XML as an FEA “roadmap”. While XML has great promise for law mandated process interoperability, it is a subset of IT, which is a subset of systems, which are a subset of EA.

We are a nation at war. Homeland Security, Homeland Defense and DoD’s Transformation necessitate the development of myriad real time processes. Attached is a strategic framework (draft) addressing this national priority as well as XML.

You have inherited 24 eGov initiatives, which may suffer the same failure rate of 68% as did early corporate CRM initiatives. Corporations failed to recognize that the customer is an interactive extension of the integration of all enterprise processes. Like eGov, they selected isolated, projects of low risk. They withered, unattached due to a lack of executive commitment, champions, and knowledge process integration (supply chain, ERP, BI, data>tasks>skills>projects>processes and communities etc.).

At the components meeting, it was stated that the 6 business processes in the 2003 Work plan were arbitrarily selected in an attempt to bring continuity to the 24 eGov’s. These processes have a disparate relationship to an integrated FEA. They are alike only in their dissimilitude.

Another EA roadmap detour was lanterned at Susan Turnbull’s eMed Conference. First responders do not speak the same language town to town. BioSurveillance’s HLS/7 language has agreement issues. XML has problems per IAC white paper, “Semantics, Semantics.” The attached outline suggests that experts can agree on skill-centric language. Skills / behaviors are fundamental to all processes. They also occasion organizational championing along with individual, community and executive buy-in.

Developing IT infrastructure (Tech Reference Model and Data RM) as the focal course of action is a natural remnant from the dying Information Age. The Bush Administration’s recent inclusion of “Chief Human Capital Officer at the CFO and CIO table” (FCW, 5/26) speaks to the vision herein.

Finally, we are led to Steve Cooper’s call for EA subscribers (everyone) to, “think national enterprise vision.” Secretary Rumsfeld and the DoD extol Transformation in terms of Knowledge Environment EA (attached). Skill distribution, training and real time processes will be immediate first line of defense should another event occur (likely).

I broached a focus on HHS (CIO Melissa Chapman champions eGov) as a national EA touchpoint. CDC’s XML commitment, along with eMed and skills / behavior, could induce strong private sector participation catalyzed by Homeland Defense and simultaneous knowledge economy evolvement.

Let me say that you inherit some extraordinary talent: Brand Niemann, Owen Ambur and Betty Harvey (XML); Susan Turnbull as a magical organizer; and, the dedication of PV, John Dodd, Earl Pederson, Dan Twomey and others.

Mr. Lorentz is quoted as saying, “you must know your customer (the Government) Kindly accept my resignation as I believe myself to be out of phase with IAC’s current customer requirements.

As a resource in the future, I remain

Purposefully yours,

RC Holmes

CC: Ambur, O.
Harvey, B.
IAC Members
Meyerriecks, D.
Niemann, B.
Pederson, E.
Twomey, D.

Secondly, we are a country at war. Readiness is not about monolithic reference models, 2-5 year pilot process incubation; it is about real time processes, team-community collaboration and enterprise vision.

Susan Turnbull’s eMed Conference imparted insight. First responders

6 business processes 24 eGovs

eminence with enterprise architecture and the migration of eGov. My vision maps directly to DoD’s Transformation strategy of people-process centric reformation.

Knowledge transfer architecture has three core requirements: behaviors, systems and processes. IT is a subset of systems and component architecture is a restrictive subset of IT. Behaviors remain unaddressed and processes are a handmaiden.

Knowledge architecture requires enterprise vision and executive commitment. Collaborative integration begins and ends at the customer interface: CRM in business, eGov in government. Over 60% of early CRM projects failed because they were isolated from corporate EA strategies. Our 24 eGov initiatives suffer the same relegation.

At Dr. Niemann’s components meeting, Richard Varn said he had arbitrarily selected the six business lines (now a mantra) to attempt to bring continuity and mapping to the eGov projects. This is a red flag flown over EA disorientation. If agency business cases development follows these processes, fragmented policy direction is absolute.

There is no doubt that XML is a national priority. EPA’s Dr. Brand Niemann is executing a comprehensive and brilliant XML game plan. Ms. Susan Turnbull, GSA Sr. Program Advisor, is a magical, seemingly idefatigueable communities organizer.

PK, Suparno, John Dodd, Dan Twomey, Ms. Kay Cedercroft, Davis Roberts and company ably follow CIO Council direction. White papers proliferate. One focuses on “plug and play” components; another on ref model interoperability strategies. The developed TRM and DRM are Information Age driven. We live in a far more robust, challenging and exciting Knowledge Environment (Transformation)>

It seems to me that networked people have far more knowledge building, management and delivery potential than machines.

The question for IAC is, “What and how are you going to sell to the private sector?” The question for the government is, “How and when are you going to matriculate THE CRITICAL EA pillars of behavior and processes? How will you get people to think team-community-process-collaboration?”

Steve Cooper synopsizes the other CIO-IAC partnership responsibility, “think in terms of a national enterprise.” We are A NATION AT WAR. This particular war per Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, “is 90% intelligence and requires a people and process focus.” This means that the FEA is immediately responsible to incubate and accelerate collaborative processes government wide. The IAC is a primary conduit.


Saturday, November 29, 2003



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